Tag Archives: Bristol

Coffee in the Green Mountains

Addison County has not been left out of the coffee buzz. And while Starbucks products are ubiquitous in the civilized world, we don’t have a shop in Middlebury or Bristol. Both towns have plenty of coffee shops, though and even a few artisan coffee roasters: Awake Organic Coffee Roasters and Vermont Coffee Company top the list. These two roasters toast up some flavors that put the rich back into ritual. Thank heaven for Vermont Coffee Company’s dark roast.Read More

Swimming to London: Olympic-Sized Pools in Vermont

The Summer Olympic games in London are less than six months away. For Olympic athletes, the fervor started years and years ago. The rest of us are just starting to think about 2012 in London. It’s several years too late …Read More

Signs of Spring in Addison County: Mud and Birds

March is easily the cruelest month in Addison County. The calendar says it’s Spring (the vernal equinox is officially March 20th this year) but the temperature is stuck in winter. This is the month when Vermonters take note of the …Read More

Looking for a Traditional Vermont Fourth of July? Try Bristol and Brandon

If you’re looking for traditional Vermont this July 4th, Addison County may be the very best place to celebrate, although Rutland County is a close second. Two Vermont towns in particular have terrific Independence Day events: Brandon and Bristol. The …Read More

Looking for a Traditional Vermont Fourth of July? Try Bristol and Brandon

If you’re looking for traditional Vermont this July 4th, Addison County may be the very best place to celebrate, although Rutland County is a close second. Two Vermont towns in particular have terrific Independence Day events: Brandon and Bristol. The …Read More

Vermont Summer Begins: Memorial Day in Addison County

There are few things as old-timey wonderful as a small town Vermont parade. Of course there are Memorial Day parades across the country, but none as charming as those here in Vermont. There is something about the combination of nervous …Read More

Vermont Summer Begins: Memorial Day in Addison County

There are few things as old-timey wonderful as a small town Vermont parade. Of course there are Memorial Day parades across the country, but none as charming as those here in Vermont. There is something about the combination of nervous …Read More

Telecommute Vermont: At Home at Work in Addison County

Vermonters are good at telecommuting. Inclement weather, impassable mountain roads and long drives to town often cause us to find creative solutions to getting to work. Yankee frugality causes us to seek cost saving measures. Telecommuting often provides the best …Read More

Walkable Vermont: Is This an Oxymoron?

Vermont is known for stunning vistas, great landscapes, and rural charm. Vermont is not known for public transportation or easy-to-reach destinations. The phrase “You can’t get there from here” is notorious in this part of New England for its accuracy, …Read More

Walkable Vermont: Is This an Oxymoron?

Vermont is known for stunning vistas, great landscapes, and rural charm. Vermont is not known for public transportation or easy-to-reach destinations. The phrase “You can’t get there from here” is notorious in this part of New England for its accuracy, …Read More

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