Saint Patrick’s Day in Vermont: A Look at Addison County Homes with Bars

In like a Lion. March in Vermont is a real character-builder. Our recent dip back into the deep freeze has been quite a challenge to the local sense of humor. Which is part of the reason we look forward to Saint Patrick’s Day. Of course the Vernal Equinox is the pinnacle event of the month of March, but its ironic weather often leaves us feeling blue—another reason Lá Fhéile Pádraig is anticipated with such zeal.

Though we are all Irish at least once a year, Vermont is one of the most Irish states in the U.S.. More than 17% of our population is of Irish descent; the national average per state is about 11.9% of the total population ( At one point in history, the largest foreign-born group in Vermont was Irish (

According to the Dictionary of American History, as many as 100,000 Irishmen, came to the United States in the 1600s; 100,000 more arrived in the 1700s ( We’ve got some tradition behind our zeal! And Vermonters love to celebrate.

This year, though, when you raise your Parting Glass, we’d like to recommend gathering with friends in the comfort of one of these fine Vermont homes. We put together a little selection of Chittenden and Addison County homes perfectly suited for celebrations with friends which you can find easily at Contact me for a tour and a toast.

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