Vermont Bashing and the Peaceable Kingdom of Addison County
A recent Google search for a Vermont-Real-Estate-related term brought me to a stream of Vermont-bashing by some people who cannot wait to leave our beautiful state. Their complaints ranged from how long it takes to drive to Walmart to how few night clubs the “big city” of Burlington has to the unbearable length of winter.
I did not stay long on the site, and in fact could not find it again for this post. But the complaints reminded me of exactly why I love Vermont so much. They illustrated many of the reasons why I choose to live here: distance from shopping malls, beautiful night skies, natural vistas, the seasons…Take a look at these properties and you’ll see what I mean (click the town name or the image for full property details):
This parcel in Weybridge has 138 feet
of frontage on the Otter Creek. The property has good water access and a great canoe put-in. It is just a short paddle to some great dining in Middlebury. |
This is the view from an exceptional lakefront property in Addison. It has 512 feet of lakefront and boasts beautiful stone & woodwork inside & out. Westerly views provide breathtaking sunsets over the Adirondacks. |
In the end, the Vermont bashers are right – it is a long way to the shopping mall and the night clubs here close quite early. But there is no neon in sight.
Vermont certainly has its share of woes and Addison County has its share black flies, but in general we’re in a Peaceable Kingdom. Except for the graffiti! I almost forgot…There is some graffiti at the entrance to one of the nearby high schools. It says: Good Morning!