Middlebury Chili Contest Winners!
A few weekends ago, Middlebury held it’s 2nd annual Winter Carnival and Chili Contest. The chili contest is held on the sidewalks of Main Street and Merchants Row and the public choose winners for various categories. This is a great event to attend, (voted one of the Top Ten Winter Events by the Vermont Chamber of Commerce), but, in case you weren’t able to attend, I’m going to share the most important results of this event – the winners of the chili contest. With over 40 professional and amateur contestants, you can be sure the winning chili recipes are outstanding.

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Middlebury VT and tagged
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Middlebury College,
Middlebury Food Co-op,
Middlebury VT,
Middlebury Winter Carnival,
Swift House Inn,
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Middlebury Chili Contest Winners!
A few weekends ago, Middlebury held it’s 2nd annual Winter Carnival and Chili Contest. The chili contest is held on the sidewalks of Main Street and Merchants Row and the public choose winners for various categories. This is a great event to attend, (voted one of the Top Ten Winter Events by the Vermont Chamber of Commerce), but, in case you weren’t able to attend, I’m going to share the most important results of this event – the winners of the chili contest. With over 40 professional and amateur contestants, you can be sure the winning chili recipes are outstanding.

This entry was posted in
Addison County,
Community Events,
Eating Well in VT,
Middlebury VT and tagged
Addison County VT,
Middlebury College,
Middlebury Food Co-op,
Middlebury VT,
Middlebury Winter Carnival,
Swift House Inn,
Vermont food,
Waybury Inn. Bookmark the