Love your dirt!

A handful of compostImage via Wikipedia

Composting is one of the best things you can do for your garden and the environment. According to Vermont’s Agency of Natural Resources, just 30 percent of total waste is recycled in Vermont and at least half of all waste going into landfills is compostable organic material. For a home compost, any kitchen scraps, (except for meat or dairy), including egg shells, can be composted, as well as any lawn and garden waste. Adding layers of manure, dry leaves and dry grass clipping to your compost pile will increase the rate at which it decomposes as well as help keep odor down.

The spring issue of edible Green Mountains has a wonderful article (pg. 19) about the benefits and purpose of composting and highlights the work of the Highfield’s Institute in Hardwick, VT. Highfield’s was developed ten years ago and offers technical advice to businesses and communities that want to compost, as well as workshops for farmers with large-scale composts (including ‘animal mortality’ – the official term for leftover animal parts or dead animals) and backyard composters.

To learn more about Highfield’s Institute, visit their website.

To learn more about starting your own home compost check out eartheasy’s guide to composting.

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