Monthly Archives: October 2013

The Paranormal in Vermont

Vermont is an old state filled with historic homes and plenty of mysteries. We joined the United States as the 14th state, in 1791. Many things have happened since then, some tragic, some paranormal. Each Vermont town has its anecdotal tales of haunting and unexplained events. And there are legends….Read More

The Strong House Inn, A Secret Garden in Vergennes Vermont

Vergennes Vermont is the smallest city in the United States. This ‘Little City” is just about halfway between Burlington and Middlebury. Its main thoroughfare, Route 22A, is a passageway to all good things: restaurants, Cafes, Vergennes Laundry (a wonderful French bakery), Lake Champlain, etc. In the case of this blog post, it is a path to a Secret Garden.Read More

Vermont Apples: A Bumper Crop along Lake Champlain

If you spend any time outdoors along Lake Champlain this month it is likely you will bump into an apple. After a fairly dismal apple year in 2012, early warmth followed directly by early frost, this year’s crop is hard …Read More